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Guava fruits are incredibly sweet, fruity, and nutrient-packed. It is hard not to love this tropical staple. But what exactly is guava and what do you do with it?

ripe pink guavas

What Is Guava?

Guavas are tropical and subtropical fruits with distinctly aromatic perfume and musky sweet flesh. The fruits originated from Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.

The fruits are usually 4 to 12 centimeters long. Guavas are typically round or slightly oblong, but they can also be somewhat pear-shaped, depending on the species.

When the fruit is not ripe, the skin is bright green and feels slightly firm under the fingers. When ripe, the skin may be yellow, maroon, or green depending on the type. The pulp inside may be sweet or sour and off-white (white guavas) to deep pink (pink guavas). The seeds in the central pulp vary in number and hardness, depending on the species.


There are five common types of guava:

  • Tropical Pink. When fully ripe, the skin of this guava turns yellow. The inside of the tropical pink is pinkish in hue and has a smooth or gritty texture. The flavor is somewhat sweet and has a powerful aroma.
  • Tropical Yellow. This guava is sometimes known as Mexican Cream. The fruits are small and round and have yellow skin with a slight reddish tint and white inner fruit. The taste is very sweet when ripe, and each fruit has a small amount of seeds. The tropical yellow guava has a sweeter flavor than most guavas and is mostly used in desserts.
  • Tropical White. The skin of the Tropical White Guava is yellowish-green in color on the outside with white creamy flesh inside. The flavor is sweet, as with other guavas, but this kind is highly gushy and contains more liquid than most others.
  • Red Malaysian. This guava has a little sweetness but is distinguished by its scarlet skin and pinkish core. Aside from being consumed, the Red Malaysian is also utilized as a decorative item.
  • Lemon Guava. Lemon Guava has a lemonier flavor and is distinguished by its smaller size. The skin and inside of this fruit are both yellowish in color, and the aroma of the Lemon Guava is believed to be particularly powerful.

How Does Guava Taste Like?

Guava’s flavor is unique, sweet, and almost universally pleasant. Many people think it tastes like a hybrid between strawberry, pear, and mango. But different varieties of guava are similar to different fruits.

It can be anywhere from sour to tangy depending on the type and its ripeness. Guavas that are not ripe will taste tangier and possibly more sour than ripened guavas. A ripe guava will be sweeter and its sweetness can vary between types of guava.

Can You Eat Guava Seeds?

Guava seeds can be eaten! Guava seeds contribute a portion of the nutritious value of the fruit as a whole. In fact, several food experts recommend eating guava seeds. They can be chewed or swallowed whole. You can eat the seeds along with the pulp to enjoy the fruit while still gaining nutrients. You may also smash the guava seeds and incorporate them into a smoothie or shake. 

ripe pink guavas

How to Tell If Guava Is Ripe?

Fortunately, there are clear signals of ripeness in the skin of the fruit. Young guava fruits start bright green, then mature and soften into yellow, maroon, or green color depending on the type. As the fruit ripens, its aroma deepens and becomes sweeter. Place it in a paper bag with an apple or a banana to speed up the ripening process.

How to Store Guava?

If you bought firm guavas, leave it on the counter, out of direct sunshine, for a few days to ripen. Once it gives slightly to pressure and smells robust and fruity, you can either eat it or store it in the crisper drawer. Place your guava in a firmly sealed plastic or paper bag before placing it in the fridge. This will keep it safe from other fruits that will encourage ripening.

Even if you store the fruit properly, you should eat it within a few days of it reaching full ripeness. Guava, like many tropical fruits, has a short shelf life. Use or eat the guava within 3-4 days of refrigerating. You can also freeze slices of guava in resealable bags for up to 8 months.

Health Benefits

Guava is not only delicious but it is also loaded with nutrients. It has four times more vitamin C than oranges. Guava is also great for your digestive system and acts as a natural laxative since it is a rich source of fiber. Guava contains high amounts of sodium and potassium that help the body balance and regulate high blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension.

How to Eat Guava

Guava can be eaten raw or cooked.  The skin and seeds are edible. Most people prepare guava raw, but people juice guava for drinks and some sauces. Because of its high level of pectin, the fruit is frequently made into marmalade, jams, and jellies.  

Recipes Using Guavas

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